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Musician. Designer. Stylist. Traveler. Foodie. Friend.

Monday, September 15, 2008

We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto...

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged.  Get over it---I'm jumping RIGHT into the present.  So yesterday, we had CRAZY windstorms all day.  We had hurricane winds without the hurricane, tornado damage without the tornado, fires without the lightening--CRAZY! 
MOST of Cincinnati is without power, several people were killed, cars and homes are damaged everywhere, almost everything is shut down. Very few places are open to sell food, gas or supplies.  I even read on the news that some fights broke out over gas & groceries. 

Somehow, we never lost power for longer than a minute last night, so we stayed up cooking, crafting & watching football.  Well--football is boring, so I was watching trees fly down the street. They say that the power may not be fully restored for several days. I am thankful that no trees fell on our house & we can take hot showers. Actually--because of that--many OTHER people might be taking showers at our house today.  We might be feedin the neighborhood tonight!
I guess the wind storm was hurricane remnants paired with cold fronts & a side of the wrath of God.  It's strange....the forecast for the rest of the week is 75 and sunny.  Go figure.  Here's a few pics from the storm.  

So today, while most people are picking their roofs up off the street, we'll be cleaning in preparation for possible house guests.  

1 comment:

Alisha said...

You're totally right- football is boring.