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Musician. Designer. Stylist. Traveler. Foodie. Friend.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Brick Beauties!

Yesterday I took the "Downtown Living Tour." 
It do you say?.....AWESOME!
My wallet hurt, but my heart was inspired.  Since Tye and I toss around the idea of rehabbing, I thought I'd find inspiration in the hottest places downtown.  So I grabbed my camera, my tour map and followed the trail of brick beauties.  
My favorite finds of the day were the glass garage door walls,  and the "Tribeca" hardwood floors.  
Take a look at the tour brochure or check out my personal photos.  ENJOY!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Inspiring Moments

Though my week was fairly stressful, I had a few wonderfully inspiring moments.  For example, we are using "a cup of coffee" to discuss "community" this week at Crossroads. So, my boss sent me to borrow a VERY fancy espresso machine from Larry Bourgeois. (pronounced: boo-jwa)
I had heard of this man.  My ol' friend Seth was inspired their many late nnight theological, social conversations over exquisitely made lattes at Old Saint George.  So this mission took us to Larry's new place in Norwood--"The Mills".   Larry's passions are theology, social-networking, developing community, study, conversation & COFFEE.  His new place is a bookstore, study center, coffee house, espresso machine gallery, dining room, meeting center & community-builder for Jesus.  Not bad Larry...not bad.
Not only were his lattes inspiring, but just hearing his heart for conversation & community was astounding.  I know he's the "genius" type--because I'm having a hard time summarizing his smartness.  Here are a few pictures of his books, espresso machine collection & latte art.  When it's done--it will be the COOLEST place to hang out in Norwood.


Earlier in the week--during the power outage--Tye and I sat around a campfire with some new and newer friends. Little did these folks know that their conversations were feeding some of my own developing ideas.  In my attempts to understand home buying, green building, community, social-networking, design & music--I've been learning more than my brain can handle.  It's kinda like those 3-D puzzles.... I'm trying to create/figure out something that has MANY dimensions, colors, heights & depths.  Without the box...I'm just trying to piece it all together.  I'm sure it will make a beautiful Irish castle or something someday-- but right now I'm feeling a little (ok--a lot) overwhelmed by the pile of pieces.  I guess I'm just anxious to see what it all turns into.  I'm in the right place to learn though--jeez! I'm constantly surrounded by "idea people" as I like to call them.  I just need to figure out how to fit them into my schedule & their knowledge into my brain.

So today, I sat out on the sidewalk sipping on a 'Speckled Bird' soy latte.  Headphones on, magazines open & web at my fingertips---enjoying all the senses.  It's good for me to spend time in creative solitude to bring ease to my mind & a little organization to my ideas. I need to find more pockets of time like this.  And I also need to pay attention to when the Speckled Bird closes, because now I'm locked out on the sidewalk with an empty mug & a full bladder.  Yikes!

Monday, September 15, 2008

We're not in Kansas anymore, Toto...

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged.  Get over it---I'm jumping RIGHT into the present.  So yesterday, we had CRAZY windstorms all day.  We had hurricane winds without the hurricane, tornado damage without the tornado, fires without the lightening--CRAZY! 
MOST of Cincinnati is without power, several people were killed, cars and homes are damaged everywhere, almost everything is shut down. Very few places are open to sell food, gas or supplies.  I even read on the news that some fights broke out over gas & groceries. 

Somehow, we never lost power for longer than a minute last night, so we stayed up cooking, crafting & watching football.  Well--football is boring, so I was watching trees fly down the street. They say that the power may not be fully restored for several days. I am thankful that no trees fell on our house & we can take hot showers. Actually--because of that--many OTHER people might be taking showers at our house today.  We might be feedin the neighborhood tonight!
I guess the wind storm was hurricane remnants paired with cold fronts & a side of the wrath of God.  It's strange....the forecast for the rest of the week is 75 and sunny.  Go figure.  Here's a few pics from the storm.  

So today, while most people are picking their roofs up off the street, we'll be cleaning in preparation for possible house guests.